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Core Training

ALF Online Core Training Program Bundle with Added Review Quizzes (FSLA201B)

Our training is expert-led, convenient and cost-effective.

Florida Senior Living Association’s ALF Online Core Training course, provided in partnership with and taught by Monica Wilson, is designed for prospective assisted living administrators and individuals interested in learning more about the daily operations of an assisted living community.

Learn from instructors with real-life field experience. Expert training is provided by experienced administrators and operations consultants including Monica Wilson, M.S., Donna Crivaro, R.N., and Kathy Nelson, RDN, LD/N. Current AL administrators and staff share Best Practice Tips.

The course includes a downloadable e-manual, interactive videos and knowledge check-ins, module quizzes, test prep questions, mobile app access, and email and phone support. PLUS...with the bundle you also gain access to the ALF Core Review Quizzes following completion of the course! This compilation includes five (5) quizzes with questions randomized from a large bank of questions developed by experienced trainer, facilitator and educator Monica Wilson.

Learn on your schedule.

On-demand training in an online environment allows participants to complete the required core education on their schedule, within 60 days of registration. Please note that once the course is accessed, no refunds will be given. If you have an unusual circumstance that prevents you from completing the course within 60 days, a one-time short-term extension may be provided on a case by case basis.

Our instructor is available to answer questions so you can stay on track and finish the course while retaining as much information as possible to successfully pass the ALF Core Competency exam, which we recommend you take immediately after course completion. Once you complete the course, you will receive a certificate of completion and we will let the MacDonald Research Institute know that you have completed the course. Also, following completion of the course, you will be given access to the Assisted Living Core Review Quizzes module so you can test your knowledge and prepare for the exam.

This course is expressly intended for use by the registered student only and may not be published, in whole or in part, or copied, reproduced, redistributed, forwarded, e-mailed or in any way exploited, whether for sale or not.
  • Before You Begin
  • Before You Begin and Video Troubleshooting
  • Core Training Survey
  • Locate the ALF Resource Guide and Course Files
  • Welcome - 12 minutes
  • Are You Ready to Get Started?
  • Pre- Test - Approximately 10 minutes
  • Pre-Test - How Did You Do? - 1 minute
  • Assisted Living in Florida
  • Assisted Living in Florida Overview
  • Regulatory Agencies - 19 minutes
  • Assisted Living Overview - 13 minutes
  • Assisted Living Licenses Overview - 13 minutes
  • Definitions AL In FLorida - 8 minutes
  • Assisted Living in Florida Quiz - Approximately 16 minutes
  • Physical Plant Standards
  • Physical Plant Standards
  • Physical Plant Standards - 18 minutes
  • Fire Safety Standards - 13 minutes
  • Physical Plant Quiz - Approximately 14 minutes
  • Residency Criteria
  • Residency Criteria
  • Residency Criteria Intro - 2 minutes
  • Admission Residency Criteria - 17 minutes
  • Continued Residency Criteria - 9 minutes
  • Residency Criteria Quiz - Approximately 12 minutes
  • Resident Care
  • Resident Care
  • Resident Care Standards - Supervision - 6 minutes
  • Social and Leisure Activities - 7 minutes
  • Health Care and Personal Care - 3 minutes
  • Third Party Services - 7 minutes
  • Elopement Standards - 10 minutes
  • Physical and Chemical Restraints - 7 minutes
  • Assistive Devices - 3 minutes
  • Infection Control - 5 minutes
  • Clean Hands - Combat COVID-19
  • Nursing Services - 3 minutes
  • Resident Care Services Quiz - Approximately 24 minutes
  • Best Practice - Leadership - 4 minutes
  • Person and Family Centered Service Delivery
  • Person and family Centered Service Delivery
  • The Thin Edge of Dignity - 20 minutes
  • Person and Family Centered Services - 34 minutes
  • Best Practice - Leadership - 3 minutes
  • Person Centered Quiz - Approximately 3 minutes
  • Admission Procedures
  • Admission Procedures
  • Advertising Requirements - 4 minutes
  • Patient Brokering - 3 minutes
  • Paying for Assisted Living - 8 minutes
  • Medical Examination Requirement - 21 minutes
  • Resident Contracts - 24 minutes
  • Resident Contracts Quiz - Approximately 9 minutes
  • Admission Package - 12 minutes
  • Best Practice - Sales Process - 2 minutes
  • Managing the Move-In Process - 21 minutes
  • Admission Procedures Quiz - Approximately 14 minutes
  • Fiscal Standards
  • Fiscal Standards
  • Property and Personal Affairs of Residents - 14 minutes
  • Business Practices - 4 minutes
  • Fiscal Standards Quiz - Approximately 11 minutes
  • Medication Management
  • Medication Management
  • Medication Overview - 5 minutes
  • Intro to Medication Management - 22 minutes
  • Medication Ordering - 10 minutes
  • Medication Packaging and labels - 13 minutes
  • Health Care Provider and Pharmacy Communication - 14 minutes
  • Assistance with Oral and Liquid Medications - 13 minutes
  • Best Practice - Assisting Residents - 1 minute
  • Assisting with Topical Medications 1 - 13 minutes
  • Assisting with Topical Medications 2 - 10 minutes
  • Vital Signs - 8 minutes
  • Anti-embolism stockings, oxygen, nebulizers, and more - 12 minutes
  • Colostomy Care - 7 minutes
  • Medication Management Review - 35 minutes
  • Medication Management Quiz - Approximately 25 minutes
  • Food Services
  • Food Services
  • Food Service Intro
  • Ch. 64E-11 and the Food Code - 27 minutes
  • Pest Control - 2 minutes
  • Food Service - Equipment - 10 minutes
  • Food Handling Practices - 13 minutes
  • The 6 Most Common Foodborne Illnesses - 7 minutes
  • Proper Handwashing - 3 minutes
  • Food Services – 64E-11 Quiz - Approximately 14 minutes
  • Top 10 Causes of Foodborne Illness - 4 minutes
  • Food Service Requirements in Ch. 59A-36 - 12 minutes
  • Food Service – Ch. 58A-5 Quiz - Approximately 15 minutes
  • Best Practice - Chef Gaspard - 1 minute
  • Success with Menus and Dining - 12 minutes
  • Best Practice - Chef Eric Babb - 1 minutes
  • Dining with Dignity - 3 minutes
  • Emergency Supplies - 5 minutes
  • Common Deficiencies Related to Food Services - 7 minutes
  • Ch. 64E-12, F.A.C.
  • Ch. 64E-12, F.A.C.
  • Ch. 64E12, F.A.C. - 19 minutes
  • Staffing Standards
  • Staffing Standards
  • Staffing Standards Definitions - 4 minutes
  • Administrator and Manager Requirements - 13 minutes
  • Best Practice - Role Model - 3 minutes
  • Staffing Standards - 22 minutes
  • Staffing Standards Quiz - Approximately 15 minutes
  • Background Screening - 6 minutes
  • Staff Training Part I - 18 minutes
  • Staff Training Part II - 13 minutes
  • Staff Training Part 3 - 10 minutes
  • Alzheimer's Disease and Related Forms of Dementia - 8 minutes
  • Best Practice - Support Your Team - 2 minutes
  • Staff Records - 3 minutes
  • Staff Training Quiz - Approximately 13 minutes
  • Best Practice - Time Management - 3 minutes
  • Resident and Facility Records
  • Resident and Facility Records
  • Resident Records- 12 minutes
  • Facility Records - 14 minutes
  • Adverse Incident Reporting - 7 minutes
  • Records Quiz - Approximately 8 minutes
  • Resident Rights
  • Resident Rights
  • Resident Rights Intro - 9 minutes
  • Resident Bill of Rights - 3 minutes
  • Residents Rights Quiz - Approximately 4 minutes
  • Resident Rights - 18 minutes
  • Advance Directives - 9 minutes
  • Long Term Care Ombudsman Program - 6 minutes
  • Ombudsman - 8 minutes
  • Abuse, Neglect and Exploitation - 30 minutes
  • Baker Act - 8 minutes
  • Specialty Licenses and Services
  • Specialty Licenses and Services
  • Limited Mental Health 18 minutes
  • ElynSaks_2012G-480p.mp4 - 15 minutes
  • Limited Nursing Services - 6 minutes
  • ECC Intro - 11 minutes
  • ECC Residency Criteria - 11 minutes
  • Extended Congregate Care Services - 24 minutes
  • Best Practice - ECC - 5 minutes
  • Alzheimer's Disease Requirements - 5 minutes
  • What is Alzheimer's Disease - 3 minutes
  • Lewy Body Dementia - 2 minutes
  • Facilities Licensed for 17 or More Residents - 2 minutes
  • Specialty Licenses Quiz - Approximately 9 minutes
  • Emergency Management
  • Emergency Management
  • Comprehensive Emergency Management Plans - 24 minutes
  • Emergency Environmental Control Plans - 13 minutes
  • Fire Safety Plans - 7 minutes
  • Emergency Management Quiz - Approximately 6 minutes
  • Licensing
  • Licensing Procedures
  • Licensing Process - 21 minutes
  • Change of Ownership - 5 minutes
  • Appropriate Use of Facial Coverings - 2 minutes
  • Licensing Quiz - Approximately 8 minutes
  • Enforcement
  • Enforcement
  • Survey Process - 18 minutes
  • Enforcement - 25 minutes
  • Enforcement Quiz - Approximately 10 minutes
  • No Patient Left Alone Act - Visitation Policies
  • Visitation Policies - 8 mins
  • Review
  • Review Quiz - Approximately 90 minutes
  • Wrap Up
  • Wrap Up -
  • Online Core Training Evaluation
  • REMINDER - Course Completion
Completion rules
  • All units must be completed
  • Leads to a certificate with a duration: Forever